How often does the Club meet?
We meet regularly between 2 and 4 times a month to manage the Club and to plan our activities with breaks at Christmas/New Year and Easter. Additionally, we attend projects most of which occur on a weekend for a few hours and we have get-togethers just to have fun.

What does it cost to be a member?
There are annual membership fees which are payable half yearly. These are set by Rotary International yearly. In addition, there are Club fees to administer the Club as all money we raise is for donation to charities or Rotary organisations registered as charities. The Club determines it own administration fees annually and these are paid half yearly at the same time as the international dues. In our Club we do not have a meal at our meetings, but the Club does provide finger food and drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) at the meetings and the finger food is a cost included in the Club administration fees. You can bring your own drinks or buy from the Club stock.

What would be expected of me?
Members are expected to contribute to the meetings of the Club and participate in projects as often as possible. We encourage members to bring new ideas or suggestions for improvement to meetings. We encourage members to involve family and friends in supporting our fundraising efforts in a form that works for them.

What else does Rotary have to offer?
There is more than just our Club available to Rotarians. You can visit other Clubs here in Brisbane, Clubs in other Districts of Australia (Queensland and interstate) and overseas. You can become involved in our District projects or a position on the District Leadership Team and you could become involved in Rotary International. The choice is yours.

I have a family and a job to juggle – I don’t think I have time?
Our Club is family friendly. The Club aims to fit in with you and your family and welcomes your family to join as a member, attend as a guest or participate on projects.What does Rotary offer for young people?

There are a number of Rotary Youth Leadership opportunities or they might be interested in the Rotary Peace Centre at the University of Queensland and gaining a Peace Fellowship.
Here are a few links to some of the programmes.
National Science Youth forum –
Conocophillips Science Experience –
Rotary Youth Leadership –
Rotary Youth Transition Seminar –
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment –
Rotary Peace Centre –

What if I want to leave the Club after joining?
You always have the right to resign if you feel Rotary is not for you or your circumstances change however we will encourage you and work with you to find a solution whether it be to join another Club because you are moving to another town or join another club if our evening meetings no longer suit you to help you remain a member as we believe Rotary will give you more opportunities in your life.

I have read about Rotary and your Club but am still not sure?
You are welcome to attend as our guest at any meeting, function or project activity. Just call us and confirm the time you would like to attend.