Literacy – Rotary Partnerships

Literacy – Rotary Partnerships

We have rescently been offered the books replaced by a Southside college from its library. We have found community groups who can make good use of these books. After collecting the books (a ute full with the overflow in the boot of my car) we stored them in my garage to sort through the bounty.

Hot sweaty work going through the boxes in the garage but well worth the effort. Care Kits for Kids Inc provides kits for Kids seeking help from domestic violence and they welcomed the reading books for young adults.

SPELD which supports all Queenslanders experiencing learning differences to realise their full potential in all circumstances also gratefully received a selection of books.

Unexpectedly we received a call for help from the Rotarians at South Brisbane. An inner city school was also offering its surplus books to Rotary this time for its Pacific Islands aid through Doantions in Kind. Agian hot and sweaty work packing the looks and transporting straight to DIK ready to go into the container for Solomon Islands.

It is partnerships with schools and other Rotary Clubs that allow a handful of Roatarians to make a difference.