Our Partner celebrates 60yrs service to Senior Citizens and the Community

Our Partner celebrates 60yrs service to Senior Citizens and the Community

Metro Community Hub formerly Metropolitan Senior Citizens Centre and now the tenant at our Hall celebrated 60 years of service on 29th November 2019 by throwing a party at Gabba Senior Citizens and Community Centre Inc Hall in Qualtrough St Woolloongabba. They threw open their doors to their clients, boiled the kettle and cut the cakes to celebrate. I attended at their invitation to represent our Rotary Club and Gabba Senior Citizens. Members of the Fotitude Valley Rotary Club were also present.

Both Rotary Clubs have served the Senior Citizen Community through their respective Seniors Clubs maintaining a space where seniors and others can mix exercise read and meet friends. Many of Metro’s client joined in with some even volunteering to help with the organistaion. Here are some photos of everyone enjoying the anniversary.