River Fire – On Fire at Rotary

River Fire – On Fire at Rotary

Each year for the past 10 years we have provided a sausage sizzle on Kangaroo Point cliffs catering to the families gathering for the fireworks. Starting at 7.00am and finishing at 10.00pm we would be exhausted and for all that effort we would not make a great deal of money for the charities we support. So this year we tried something different – one of our members has a fabulous view from his home and a huge deck capable to hold 50 people with views from New Farm to Mt Gravatt including Southbank the CBD and the River Fire fireworks.

We invited 50 people and received 44 acceptances all of whom arrived between 4.00pm and 5.30pm with most people seeing the F/A 18 Super Hornet buz the CBD.

Our invitation included Simeon and Obu representatives from Queensland African Migrant Services Association. Our Club has worked with QAMs on a few occassions and we had promised them we would supply them with a new mower for their lawn mowing service for the elderly and disabled. Simeon and Obu joined us for their first River Fire.

5.45pm we fired up the BBQs and by 6.30pm they were all fed and watered jockeying for position on the rail for a view of the fireworks. With a loud bang the fireworks started at 7.00pm and all eyes were glued to the west. Photos of the spectacular appear below.

We then presented Simeon with the new mower thus ending a very enjoyable and succesful River Fire.