Rotary in Action – South Brisbane Rotary Club Essential Services Awards

Rotary in Action – South Brisbane Rotary Club Essential Services Awards

Monday 14th October 2019 our mother club South Brisbane held an awards night to recognise the valued service provided by Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, Queensland Police Services and Queensland Ambulance Service. The Awards night dinner was held at Yeronga Services Club and a contingent of our members joined in to support South Brisbane and our District Governor (after all she is one of our members) on this important night.

Assistant Commissioner John Cancutt from QFES was the keynote speaker. John spoke about Queensland’s initiative to establish the first International Emergency Response unit in Australia and the lessons learned through the Christchurch earthquake. A truly impressive team has been established and is on standby to be the first responders to domestic and international disasters. They literally are into action within hours of receiving the call. NSW has established a similar unit and the units are rotated on standby.

After John’s presentation had been concluded a number of short bios were read concerning the nominees from all three services for Awards recognising their various contirbutions. The evening closed with group photos of the recipients. Of course we were all on our best behaviour but enjoyed meeting with the recipients and seeing the great things done to keep our community safe.